16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (2024)

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (1)

Written by Lee Kirwin

Last Updated On July 12, 2023

Love it or hate it, the Smith machine is here to stay. After all, there must be a reason why so many bodybuilders and gym-goers use the machine, right?

If you’ve been looking at the Smith machine, wondering why it’s so popular and how you can use it to build more muscle than your t-shirts can handle, check out the 16 Smith machine exercises below.

It’ll add a whole new dimension to your training program.

  • The 16 Best Smith Machine Exercises
    • 1. Kaz Press
    • 2. Incline Bench Press
    • 3. Bent Over Row
    • 4. Inverted Row
    • 5. Shrugs
    • 6. Split Squat
    • 7. Good Mornings
    • 8. Hip Thrust
    • 9. Romanian Deadlift
    • 10. Single-Leg Deadlift
    • 11. Reverse Lunge
    • 13. Leg Press
    • 14. Assisted Pull-Ups
    • 15. Drag Curl
    • 16. Smith Machine Calf Raise
  • 3 Benefits Of The Smith Machine
  • 3 Drawbacks Of The Smith Machine
  • How To Create Your Smith Machine Workout Routine
  • Frequently Asked Smith Machine Exercise Questions
  • Conclusion

The 16 Best Smith Machine Exercises

1. Kaz Press

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (2)

The Kaz press is the little-known Smith machine exercise developed by three-time world’s strongest man Bill “Kaz” Kaszmaier.

He created the movement to helpimprove his lateral head tricep strength,and it worked perfectly; he held the bench press world record for a while.

Themovement blends the close-grip bench press and the tricep extension.

Using the Smith machine instead of a free-weight barbell removes any instability, allowing you to use heavier weights. It’s a great exercise to have in your Smith machine workout plan.

However, the movement can place a lot of strain on the wrist, and elbow joints, so it’s not for everyone.


  • Builds your chest and tricep strength with carry-over to your bench press.
  • Using a Smith machine provides stability allowing you to lift heavier weights.
  • The Smith machine is easier on the elbow joint (but can still cause aggravation).

How To Do It:

  1. Lie on a flat bench under the Smith machine.
  2. Hold the barbell with an overhand shoulder-width grip.
  3. Keep your elbows tucked and unrack the barbell.
  4. Bend your elbows and lower the bar towards your upper chest. (Your forearms should flatten to your body).
  5. Push back to the starting position and repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • Focus on perfecting your form; if your elbows flair outwards, you won’t get the full benefit.

2. Incline Bench Press

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (3)

Performing the incline barbell bench press on the Smith machine is one of my go-to exercises during my chest workout.

The Smith machine’s safety hooks allow you tolift heavy weights without needing a spotter.Nobody wants to drop the barbell on their face, right?

Usually, I’d opt for free-weight bench presses, but a 2010 study found that the muscle activation during the Smith machine and free-weight bench presses are pretty similar, so you don’t need to worry too much about missing out on muscle gains.[1]

If you want to target your upper chest muscles, the Smith machine incline bench press is aneffective way to activate your upper pecswithout the dangers of the free-weight bench press.

However, when performing Smith machine bench presses, your stabilizer muscles aren't engaged.

This is both a good and bad thing; you can lift more weight, but it doesn't help strengthen your stabilizers.

This movement is also a fantasticalternative to standard incline barbell bench press.


  • Works your upper pecs and shoulders.
  • You can use heavier weights without needing a spotter.
  • Strength gains carry over to other pressing movements.

How To Do It:

  1. Set a bench to 30-45 degrees.
  2. Lie on the bench and grab the bar with an overhand grip shoulder width apart.
  3. Unrack the bar, draw your shoulder blades into the bench, and slowly lower it to your chest.
  4. Pause at the bottom and press it back to the starting position.
  5. Repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • Try using a variation of grips during your training program. My favorites are underhand grip bench press (for upper chest), and wide grip to increase chest activation.

3. Bent Over Row

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (4)

This Smith machine exercise is a must if you want to develop your back muscles, such as your lats.

When you use the Smith machine for bent-over row, you can usually lift more weight than you would while using free weights.

As with the Smith machine bench press, your stabilizer muscles aren't engaged, allowing you tofocus on working your lats, traps, and rhomboids.

Using a Smith machine for bent over row allows you to achieve the same range of motion you get performing the free weight version.


  • It isolates your lats, traps, and rhomboids by removing your stabilizer muscle from the equation.
  • You can lift heavier than usual.
  • Bent over rows improve your posture.

How To Do It:

  1. Lower the bar to the bottom of the Smith machine rack.
  2. Grab the bar with an overhand grip (slightly wider than shoulder-width apart).
  3. Keep your back straight and hinge from your hips. Bend your knees slightly.
  4. Pull the bar to your mid-stomach and squeeze your lats together.
  5. Slowly lower and repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • Use a reverse grip to target your lats and biceps.

Related Article -Best Barbell Bent Over Row Alternatives

4. Inverted Row

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (5)

While the inverted row is a bodyweight movement that works the bicepsand back, using a Smith machine allows you to adjust the bar height easily, making the exercise highly versatile.

You can perform this exercise using a power rack and Olympic barbell, but the Smith machine setup is much easier.

Plus, you don’t want to be the person hogging the squat rack and not doing squats.

I’m a fan of the Smith machine inverted row, as it’s a great way to develop upper body strength for pull-ups.


  • Builds your back muscles (lats, traps, rhomboids), arms, and forearms.
  • Horizontal position puts less strain on your lower back.
  • The perfect starting point for beginners to build up to pull-ups.
  • It places constant tension on your back muscles.

How To Do It:

  1. Set an empty barbell to hip height.
  2. Lie on the floor (face up) and grab the bar with an overhand grip, shoulder width apart.
  3. Place your feet hip-width apart.
  4. Brace your core and keep your back straight. Lift yourself from the floor until your chest touches the barbell.
  5. Slowly lower and repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • You can adjust the height of the barbell to make the movement easier or more difficult. The higher the barbell, the more upright your body will be, making the movement easier. Lowering the barbell brings you closer to the floor, making the movement more challenging.

5. Shrugs

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (6)

Want to build massive traps? - If so, this is one of the best Smith machine exercises you can do to target your trap muscles.

Using the Smith machine, you can overload the barbell, which results in massive muscle activation in your traps.

There are multiple ways you can use the Smith machine for shrugs; you can perform the traditional barbell shrug, single arm shrug, and reverse shrug.

Shrugs are fantastic for developing shoulder stabilization and can help you improve other lifts while reducing injury risk.


  • Easy for all levels of ability.
  • You can overload the traps with heavy weight.
  • Perfect for isolating your traps.
  • Improves shoulder stabilization.

How To Do It:

  1. Set the Smith machine to waist height.
  2. Hold the barbell with a shoulder-width overhand grip.
  3. Unrack the bar and retract your shoulder blades.
  4. Shrug your shoulders upwards and lower.
  5. Repeat.

6. Split Squat

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (7)

Forget leg presses; if you want to give your legs a workout using the Smith machine, the split squat is one of the best leg exercises around.

Thesplit squat strengthens your entire lower body: your quads, hamstrings, and glutes perform all of the major work.

By using the Smith machine during the split squat, you have greater stability. The additional stability allows you to take a bigger stride forward,increasing your hip flexion and glute stretch.

As the exercise trains one side at a time, you can iron out any muscle imbalance that you might have.


  • It can fix muscle imbalances.
  • Strengthens your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.
  • Safe for beginners.
  • Easier on your lower back than back squats.

How To Do It:

  1. Set a flat bench or platform behind the Smith machine.
  2. Put the Smith bar on your traps and place your strongest foot on the bench.
  3. Take a big stride forward (around 2-3 ft).
  4. Lower your body until your legs reach 90 degrees. (Don’t touch the floor).
  5. Complete your set and repeat on the other side.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • If you don’t have a bench or platform, you can elevate your back leg using an Olympic plate.

Read More -Split Squat Vs Lunge

7. Good Mornings

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (8)

Good mornings are one of the most powerful posterior chain exercises you can perform on a Smith machine.

Many powerlifters, athletes, and bodybuilders do this exercise to build bigger glutes and hamstrings while developing a strong lower back.

By doing good mornings with a Smith machine, you don’t need to keep your torso stable, allowing you to focus on the hip hinge movement and the muscles you want to develop.

I wouldn’t recommend this movement to beginners as it’s a complex exercise, and you can still injure yourself if you don’t do it correctly…even on a Smith machine.


  • Strengthens posterior chain muscles.
  • Helps prevent back injuries.
  • Works your erector spinae.

How To Do It:

  1. Place the Smith bar on your upper traps.
  2. Unhook the bar and brace your core.
  3. Send your hips backwards, with a small bend in your knees.
  4. Get as parallel to the floor as possible, and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • Don't place too much weight on the barbell. This movement is all about using excellent form with slow and controlled reps.

Related Article -Good Mornings Vs Deadlifts

8. Hip Thrust

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (9)

Want to build a powerful set of glutes? - You need to perform the Smith machine hip thrust. Men often overlook hip thrusting as they think it’s a “woman’s” exercise.

However, this couldn’t be any further from the truth. It’s been proven thathip thrusts can improve athletic performance in athletes,making them more powerful and explosive.[2]

The Smith machine hip thrust is easier to perform when compared to the free weight version. This is largely because it requires less stabilization (noticing a theme here?).

Strengthening your glutes will help you in all aspects of training, ranging from running faster, less likely to get injured, improved back health, better deadlift lockout, and squat strength.

This exercise is also a perfect beginneralternative to regular barbell hip thrusts allowing you to go heavier but maintain form.


  • Excellent glute developer.
  • Develops a lot of explosive power.
  • Strengthens your posterior chain, reducing injury risk.
  • Less technical than the free weights version.

How To Do It:

  1. Set a bench behind the Smith machine.
  2. Place your middle back against the bench.
  3. Put the barbell over your hip crease.
  4. Move your feet hip-width apart with a bend in the knees.
  5. Thrust upwards and unhook the bar.
  6. Lower your hips to just above the floor.
  7. Push upwards and squeeze your glutes explosively.
  8. Repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • Use a barbell pad to prevent the bar from digging into your hip bones. Trust me on this one.

9. Romanian Deadlift

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (10)

This wouldn’t be a list of effective Smith machine exercises without some type of deadlift.

The Romanian deadlift is one of the best lower body exercises that works your glutes and hamstrings through a large range of motion. Most lower body exercises gym-goers perform will require a lot of quad activation.

However, with the Smith machine Romanian deadlift, the quads are barely used other than to help stabilize the knee joints.

As it's being performed on a Smith machine, it's generally easier to do and could be better for some beginners. I often find the fixed plane of movement unnatural, and some of my clients prefer using free weights instead.

This isn’t the best movement if you suffer from back pain, as it will place stress on your lower back.


  • Promotes hamstring, glutes, and lower back hypertrophy.
  • Helps increase lockout strength for regular deadlifts.
  • You can use heavier weights or increase the volume using the Smith machine.

How To Do It:

  1. Set the bar to mid-shin level.
  2. Stand tall with your feet placed hip-width apart.
  3. Hinge from the hips with a straight spine and hold the barbell with an overhand grip (hands just outside your knees).
  4. Bend your knees slightly at all times.
  5. Unhook the bar and push your hips forward, straightening your body.
  6. Slowly lower stretching your hamstrings.
  7. Repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • Always focus on rep quality. Never sacrifice form for heavier weight.

Related Article -Can You Deadlift On A Smith Machine?

10. Single-Leg Deadlift

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (11)

Wait…another deadlift variation? - Yep, this one is an absolute killer for your hamstrings and glutes. As you can tell from the name, it involves you working one side at a time.

Working one side at a time eliminates any muscular imbalances that might occur, as each side needs to work equally as hard. I’m a massive fan of this movement and can guarantee you’ll learn to love it too.

Again, as the barbell is on a set plane of motion, it stabilizes the bar for you. If you’ve struggled with balance during the regular single-leg deadlift, give this variation a go.


  • Works both sides separately, ironing out any muscular imbalances.
  • You can use heavier loads than usual.
  • Single-leg RDLs are easier to perform on the Smith Machine.

How To Do It:

  1. Stand behind a hip-level bar.
  2. Place one leg slightly behind the other.
  3. Unhook the bar and brace your core; ensure your back is straight.
  4. Hinge from your hips and hold the bar with an overhand grip placed shoulder width apart.
  5. As you lower the bar, your rear leg raises.
  6. When your hamstring is fully stretched, push your hips forward.
  7. Repeat until your set is complete and swap sides.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • If you find that the Smith machine barbell is resting on the safety bars at the bottom of each rep, stand on a small step or weighted plate to prevent this from happening.

11. Reverse Lunge

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (12)

Reverse lunges are possibly one of the easier variations of the lunge, but they can still give you one hell of a leg pump.

Performing this movement on the Smith machine allows you tofocus solely on loading the legs without worrying about your balance.

This Smith machine reverse lunge is an excellent exercise for anyone who suffers from knee pain. As you’re stepping backwards, it involves more hip movement, which places less stress on your knees.

As it’s a unilateral exercise, it’s excellent for fixing muscle imbalances.


  • Easier on the knees and lower back.
  • Can focus your efforts on your quads or hamstrings by adjusting your stance.
  • You can load the barbell with a heavy weight.
  • Excellent for fixing muscle imbalances.

How To Do It:

  1. Stand with the bar on your upper traps.
  2. Unhook the bar and step back with one leg.
  3. Lower your body by bending your knees to 90 degrees.
  4. Push upwards and bring your back leg forward and finish your set.
  5. Swap legs and repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • Place your leading leg on a weighted plate to increase the range of motion your legs need to move through.

12. Front & Back Squat

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (13)

The Smith machine front and back squat is a controversial topic for most lifters and strength coaches, mainly as it's often disputed that it can cause injury.

This is mainly because the Smith machine's set path doesn't allow your body to move naturally, causing stress on your muscles and joints.

While this idea isn’t wrong, if performed correctly, it can be anexcellent muscle builder for your lower body and will eliminate any need for a leg press.

However, in my personal opinion, I wouldn’t give this movement to a client. Too much can go wrong, and unless you’re an advanced lifter with years of experience squatting, you might hurt yourself.


  • You can load the machine up with a lot more weight.
  • Improved stability.
  • It works your entire body.

How To Do It:

  1. Stand under the bar and place it on your traps.
  2. Place your feet hip-width.
  3. Unhook the bar and sit back while bending your knees.
  4. Stop at 90 degrees.
  5. Push upwards and repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • Don't rely on this movement completely. I recommend using it with other free weight squat variations such as regular barbell squat and dumbbell squat.

13. Leg Press

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (14)

Leg pressing on a squat rack looks impressive and works incredibly well. This old-school bodybuilding movement has been around for decades and was performed by some of the most famous bodybuilders of all time.

However, you need to be incredibly careful with this movement as you’re put in a compromised position...and if you’re a guy, it could leave you in a bit of pain, if you know what I mean.

I highly recommend only advanced users do this exercise.


  • You can leg press without needing a bulky machine.
  • Develops your hammies, quads, and glutes.
  • Looks impressive.

How To Do It:

  1. Set the bar to hip height.
  2. Lie under the bar and place your feet in the air, resting them on the underside of the bar.
  3. Brace your core and push the weight upwards.
  4. Slowly lower and repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • Use the Smith machine safety catches to hold the weight in place; this also prevents you from being squashed if your feet slip.

Read Also -Leg Press Vs Squats

14. Assisted Pull-Ups

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (15)

We’ve covered the inverted row; well, this is the next progression on your way to doing a pull-up. This bodyweight movement works your lats, traps, rhomboids, biceps, and forearms.

You could argue that your shoulder muscles are activated too. As you can see, you get a lot of muscle activation.

I like this exercise as it gives you a clear path to performing pull-ups, which can evade most gym-goers.


  • One step closer to real pull-ups.
  • Works most of your upper body.
  • Great for intermediate gym-goers.
  • A relatively safe movement to perform.

How To Do It:

  1. Place the bar around chest height.
  2. Sit on the floor and grab the bar with a shoulder-width overhand grip.
  3. Put your feet out front but keep your body upright.
  4. Pull yourself vertically up using your feet to support your weight.
  5. Slowly lower your body.
  6. Repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • If you run out of gas early on, try performing negative only reps. Doing so will help you increase your strength over time.

Related Article -Best Regular Pull Up Substitutes

15. Drag Curl

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (16)

Want to blast your biceps into oblivion? - The Smith machine drag curl is the exercise for you.

The drag curlcompletely isolates your biceps brachaii,working both the short headandlong head bicep muscles.

It’s a fantastic exercise to add at the end of your workout as it gets the blood pumping and burns like hell.

I've seen many clients get Popeye-esque arms by including this exercise into their routines; I recommend you do the same.

The Smith machine stabilizes the barbell and completely isolates the biceps, helping to promote hypertrophy.


  • Completely isolates the biceps brachaii.
  • Improved stability helps your lift more.
  • You get a brilliant bicep pump.

How To Do It:

  1. Stand with the barbell at hip level.
  2. Hold the bar with an underhand hip-width grip.
  3. Unhook the bar and let your arms hang.
  4. Draw your elbows back and upwards as you drag the bar up your body.
  5. Squeeze at the top.
  6. Slowly lower and repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • High reps work best with this exercise; aim for the pump.

Related Article - Which Way To Face On A Smith Machine?

16. Smith Machine Calf Raise

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (17)

Nobody wants a big upper body and small legs, so it’s important to train your calf muscles adequately.

The Smith machine standing calf raise works the lower portion of your legs,ensuring that nobody will ever call you "chicken legs."

It works your calf muscles and is equally as good as using a regular standing calf raise machine. It's also a greatseated calf raise alternative.

Your muscles need to move through an extensive range of motion that’ll leave you with DOMs the next day.


  • Increased stability so you can lift more during your calf raises.
  • Feels easier than the standard barbell and machine versions.
  • You’re safer as you can hook the bar anytime you want.
  • A huge range of motion is used.

How To Do It:

  1. Stand on a solid, raised platform.
  2. Set the barbell to shoulder height.
  3. Place the balls of your feet on the edge of the platform.
  4. Unhook the bar and lower your heels until your calf muscles are at full stretch.
  5. Push upwards and tense your calves.
  6. Repeat.

Tips From A Trainer!

  • A small 3-second pause at the bottom makes the exercise twice as hard. You can take it a step further by pausing for 3 seconds at the top AND bottom... It's a killer.

3 Benefits Of The Smith Machine

1. Self-Spotting Assistance

One of the main reasons why you should consider using the Smith machine is that you don’t need to worry about having a spotter nearby.

The Smith machine solves this problem by enabling you to lock the weight into position with a quick turn of your wrists.

This means you can push yourself further than you usually would without the fear of getting trapped under a heavy barbell.

This is why Smith machines are popular in home or garage gyms; it gives you a sense of security knowing you’re safe while working out.

Ever been stuck under a heavy barbell? I have, and it’s no fun at all.

Suggested Equipment -Best Smith Machines For Home Gyms

2. Perfect For Hypertrophy Training

The Smith machine workouts are excellent for hypertrophy training, as you can push your body beyond what you'd typically do during free weight exercises.

By performing additional reps and sets, your muscles will take a beating. Plus, the constant tension placed on your muscles will stimulate muscle growth.

Another aspect to consider is that it removes a lot of work from your stabilizer muscles.

You can focus on the target muscle without other areas giving in beforehand (stabilizers can often be the limiting factor during exercises).

Add all of these factors together, and you can easily see why the Smith machine is more than just another training tool in your muscle-building arsenal.

3. Reduced Injury Risk

The Smith machine operated on a fixed plane of motion. This is often considered a weakness, and while this might be true, it’s also one of its biggest strengths.

By using a fixed plane of motion, the Smith machine allows you to perform exercises using a more consistent form, reducing the risk of joint injury.

For example, during free weight squats, your entire body is needed to help maintain stability in your core.

In comparison, the Smith machine keeps the weight balanced throughout the entire movement.

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (18)

3 Drawbacks Of The Smith Machine

There are several reasons why the Smith machine receives so much hate. Below are a few reasons why the machine might not be for you.

1. Aren’t As Functional

One of the main reasons why the Smith machine might not be for you is that Smith machine training isn’t as functional as using free weights.

This is because the Smith machine moves along a fixed plane and doesn’t involve your stabilizer muscles which are needed when using dumbbells and free weighted barbells.

Another aspect to consider is that everybody has a different size and shape; these subtle differences aren’t taken into account on the Smith machine.

What feels good for me might cause you pain and vice versa.

2. Can Cause Overuse Injuries

If you use nothing but the Smith machine, you might encounter a few injuries due to the overuse of certain muscles and the underuse of your stabilizers.

As the Smith machine removes the need for many of your stabilizer muscles, it can cause certain areas of your body to overdevelop or become overused.

This is because your muscles will take the full force of your workouts with little assistance from the supporting areas.

While this isn’t common, you should be aware of it.

For best practice, I’d perform many of the exercises on this list alongside free weighted movements; this will give you the best of both worlds and limit annoying overuse injuries from occurring.

Don't let this scare you off… how is the Smith machine's fixed movement any different from a leg extension? They both use a fixed plane of movement, and both are safe.

Be smart with the Smith machine, and you won’t have an issue.

3. Can Help Cheat On Movements

If you performed a Smith machine squat and told your friends, you’d no doubt be told that using the machine is cheating and that only a free weight squat counts… why so?

While you can’t compare the two movements (as they are different), it doesn’t make one ok and the other cheating.

From my experience working alongside professional powerlifters, the use of a Smith machine isn’t allowed during competitions, and I’d bet money that is where the “Smith machines help you cheat on movements” crowd got it from.

It’s like comparing apples and oranges; they’re entirely different.

16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (19)

How To Create Your Smith Machine Workout Routine

Now you know the best Smith machine exercises to develop your muscles, you’re probably wondering how they’d fit into your workout routine.

Here's a quick workout you can try on the next Smith machine you see in your local gym or if you've bought one for your home gym.


This is a full body workout so that you can hit all of your muscle groups in one gym session… talk about getting the most bang for your buck.Feel free to switch a few of these movements for free weighted versions so you can work your stabilizers too.

  • Back Squat: 3 x 8-12 reps
  • Romanian Deadlift: 3 x 8-12 reps
  • Incline Press: 3 x 8-12 reps
  • Kaz Press: 3 x 8-12 reps
  • Bent Over Row: 3 x 8-12 reps
  • Inverted Row: 3 x 8-12 reps
  • Shrugs: 3 x 8-12 reps

If you only manage 8 reps, try to build up to 12 on each exercise. Only increase the weight once you can complete each set with excellent form ‘aka’ progressive overload.

It’s a simple workout, but do it properly, and it should get all of your muscles fired up.

Frequently Asked Smith Machine Exercise Questions

Can you build muscle with a Smith machine?

Yes, you can build muscle with a Smith machine. Most Smith machine exercises are pretty much the same as the free weight version. The only difference is the number of stabilizer muscles the Smith machine recruits is less.

How much does the Smith machine bar weigh?

Theaverage Smith machine bar will weigh between 15-25lbs depending on the brand. Most Smith machines have a counterbalance on the barbell to help it remain stable; this removes some of the barbell’s weight and gives it the “gliding” feel that’s associated with Smith machines.

How much do Smith machines cost on average?

Smith machines can cost anything between $1500-4000. It depends on the make and model you've chosen. In my experience, anything cheaper than this can often feel flimsy, which is the last thing you want from your Smith machine.

Which way do you face when squatting on a Smith machine?

When squatting on a Smith Machine, you want to ensure you’re facing the same way as the hooks are on the smith machine. This makes it far easier to unhook and hook the bar once you’ve finished your set.

What are the best glute exercises on Smith machine?

The hip thrust movement is the best glute exercise for the Smith machien. It isolates the glutes forcing them to move large amounts of weight through a wide range of motion. You'll build a set of glutes like one of Michaelangelo’s statues.


If you’ve been wondering if you can use a Smith machine to build muscles but are unsure of what exercises you should be doing, the article above should clear things up.

It can be confusing at first as the Smith machine can look somewhat alien, especially if you’re new or use free weights.

Look through the 16 exercises above and add some to your routine. Or, check out the sample workout I’ve created for you.


  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20093960/
16 Best Smith Machine Exercises (You Absolutely Have To Do) (2024)
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